
LinHart calls upon a deep heritage of leader-centered work in service of the greater good.

Tsun-Yan learned and built upon the values of professionalism from Marvin Bower, the founding father of McKinsey.

  • Upholding the Highest standard of professionalism
  • Delivering Value far in excess of fees
  • Having the Courage to Say No
  • Accepting others with Positive Unconditional Regard
  • Mentoring younger people

Tsun-Yan is similarly inspired by his grandfather Xie Gongzhan, a famous Chinese painter who specialized in painting the flower Chrysanthemum.

Huijin has also been inspired by the ideals of Marvin Bower and her ancestor Confucius.

As fierce believers in the depth of human potential – to achieve and serve others – Tsun-Yan and Huijin draw on their heritage to bring discipline, dedication and devotion to client’s endeavors and personal growth.